Home-Made Waffles with Berry Sauce and Whipped Cream

Home-Made Waffles with Berry Sauce and Whipped Cream

Home made waffles are a staple in our house on the weekends. If you know my husband, you know he loves brunch. So, it’s not surprising that we got a waffle iron early on in our marriage. Our children also love waffle weekends. Their favourite toppings are home-made whipped cream, chocolate chips and maple syrup.

My husband has tried what seems like every waffle recipe on the internet, and when he came across Genius Kitchen’s rated best-ever waffles- he said this is the one! Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside, waffle perfection. Topped with my home-made berry sauce and whipped cream- you have yourself a decadent breakfast.

So next weekend, get yourself out of bed and whip up a batch of these waffles and toppings because these waffles are worth gossiping about!


Home-Made Waffles with Berry Sauce and Whipped Cream 

Yield: 6-8 servings

Recipe courtesy of Genius Kitchen: The Best Ever Waffles



Whipped Cream:

1 cup whipping cream 

2 tbsp sugar

Splash vanilla  


Berry Sauce:

1 cup frozen berries 

1/4 cup water mixed with 1 tsp cornstarch 

2 tbsp sugar



1. In a sauce pan mix berry ingredients and bring to a boil. Continue boiling until thick. Remove from heat and set aside. 

2. In a bowl, put whipping cream ingredients. Whip at high speed until thick. 

3. Place toppings on waffle and serve with maple syrup. Enjoy! 

*** To make waffles, you will need a waffle iron and follow directions at link above.