mealsmichelle sterescu

Turkey Burgers

mealsmichelle sterescu
Turkey Burgers

This recipe is an oldie but a goodie. I totally forgot I had created this recipe as I haven’t made it in years… and I’m not sure why. This is a perfect, healthy take on a homemade burger.

Turkey meat mixed with mustard, onions and parsley for extra flavour. BBQ it up on the grill or fry in a cast iron pan. Serve on a whole wheat bun with all your favourite toppings and drizzle with honey mustard. Now that’s a healthy weeknight dinner! Serve with store-bought or homemade yam chips or fries. This meal is so healthy, you can even splurge on enjoying a beer, you deserve it!

These turkey burgers are worth cooking, eating and gossiping about!


Turkey Burgers

Yield: 4-6 burgers

1 lb ground turkey meat
2 tbsp grainy or dijon mustard
1/4 red onion, finely chopped
2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
Salt/pepper, to taste
Suggested Topping ideas:
Hamburger buns (either whole wheat or ciabatta rolls)
Honey mustard
Mixed greens
Chipotle mayo

1. In a large bowl, mix together ground meat, mustard, red onion, parsley, salt and pepper. Mix with your hands until well incorporated.
2. Form mixture into 4 large or 6 smaller hamburger patties.
3. BBQ the burgers or fry in pan on stove-top. Make sure the meat is cooked through.
4. Place burger on bun with your favourite toppings. Serve with yam chips/fries. Enjoy!