Air Fryer Chicken Taquitos

I love Mexican food! From tacos to burritos to fajitas to these taquitos… I want it all! I created these taquitos because so many recipes mix the chicken with cheese before it is stuffed into the tortilla wrap. This got my creative juices flowing…

I thought, how can I get that creamy texture without using cheese, the answer, mayo! Shredded chicken mixed with spices and mayo give that creamy filling without the cheese. The crunch from the tortilla and the flavours from the topping make this the perfect appetizer or easy weeknight meal. While I did fry these up in the air fryer, you can alternately fry them up in oil or bake them on high heat in the oven.

Give these taquitos a try because they are certainly worth gossiping about!


Air Fryer Chicken Taquitos

Yield: 10 taquitos

10-12 tortilla shells
2 chicken breasts (or 4 chicken thighs), cooked and shredded
2 tbsp mayo
1-2 tbsp taco sauce
1/2 tsp taco seasoning
Salt/pepper, to taste
Cooking Spray
Shredded lettuce, for serving
Pico de gallo, for serving
Guacamole, for serving
Lime wedges, for serving

1. In a small bowl, mix shredded chicken, mayo, taco sauce and seasoning, salt and pepper in a bowl.
2. One at a time, take 2 spoonfuls of the filling and place in a line on the center of the tortilla. Roll up the tortilla. Spray the seam side with cooking spray and place into air fryer basket. Continue until all taquitos are assembled.
3. Spray the tops of the taquitos with more cooking spray.
4. Air fry at 390-degrees for 15-20 minutes until taquitos are crisp and brown.
5. Serve with pico, guacamole, shredded lettuce and lime wedges. Enjoy!

*Alternate cooking techniques: Fry them up in vegetable oil until brown and crispy. Bake in 425-degree oven until brown and crisp, flipping if needed.